Topicult is an interactive orientation and debate platform provided by the
Council of Europe's CultureWatchEurope initiative (CWE).
CWE was set up under the umbrella of the Council of Europe’s Steering Committee for Culture (CDCULT), in close co-operation with the Steering Committee for Cultural Heritage and Landscape (CDPATEP) and the European Audiovisual Observatory.
It now relies on the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP). In addition, CWE co-operates with:
Government experts from the Council of Europe Member States;
Council of Europe bodies including:
the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE),
the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and
the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations.
External partners from civil society, international organisations, research and academia, including but not limited to:
the Budapest Observatory,
the Culturelink Network,
the ERICarts Institute and the Compendium community of experts
the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and LabforCulture,
the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC),
the International Cultural Centre of Cracow and
The Intercultural City - Step by Step (February 2013)It falls primarily upon cities to design and implement policies that foster community cohesion and turn cultural diversity into a factor of development rather than a threat. This practical guide for applying the urban model of intercultural integration is designed for city leaders and practitioners wishing to learn from the "Intercultural Cities" pilot project run by the Council of Europe and the European Commission in developing an intercultural approach to diversity management. The guide recommends steps and measures to help develop an intercultural strategy and monitor its implementation.
Cultural Participation as a Human Right?
At a press conference held on 15 January 2013, city officials from Wroclaw (Poland) announced their intention to strive, in cooperation with the Polish Government, for an inclusion of the "right to participation in culture" as one of the basic rights in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe - in 2011, the city of Wroclaw had been selected to become the European Capital of Culture in 2016. A Panel of Experts, co-organized with NCK (National Centre of Culture), met on March 6 in Wroclaw to further clarify this issue. A larger Expert Conference on the right to culture in international legal instruments is to be held November 2013 in Warsaw. More...